There are plenty of ways to spice up your base in Minecraft, but an underrated base item is the Flower Pot. If you’re looking to add a personal touch to a room or the outside of your base, a Flower Pot is the perfect object for the job. To see how to craft a Flower Pot and what you can place inside of it in Minecraft, keep reading the guide below.

Making a Flower Pot in Minecraft

Fortunately for any flower connoisseurs, a Flower Pot only has a single ingredient in its crafting recipe. While this ingredient isn’t the easiest to come by, you shouldn’t forget the recipe anytime soon. You can find the Flower Pot recipe below:

  • At a crafting table, place three Bricks, two in the middle row on the left and right and one in the bottom middle row, to make one Flower Pot.
The crafting recipe for the Flower Pot in Minecraft
The crafting recipe for the Flower Pot in Minecraft

As the only ingredient is a brick, you must know where bricks come from if you want to make Flower Pots in Minecraft. A brick is smelted at a furnace by placing a Clay Ball in the top box and any fuel source in the bottom box. Clay balls are acquired by breaking clay blocks, which can mostly be found in lush caves and underneath shallow water. Using a shovel or some other tool breaks the clay block into clay balls. If you break the clay block with a Silk Touch, though, it drops the entire block.

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