The Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Demo is a spooky taste of what’s to come before the full survival-horror experience arrives on PC and console this month, and it’s also hiding some extra firepower in its infested village. There are two weapons to grab in the demo, each one being a marked improvement on Leon Kennedy’s regular firearm. A shotgun can be found when you’re running for dear life, and if you’re sneaky enough, you can also get your hands on a tactical machine pistol that can chew through infected villagers. Here’s where you can find both of them.

Where to find the shotgun

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This one is the easiest if you don’t mind running through a horde of bloodthirsty villagers. Just past the bonfire and to the left, you’ll spot a house with an open door here:

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Either hop over the fence or run straight through the entrance and after Capcom’s chainsaw man makes his appearance outside, run up the stairs and you’ll see a shotgun in a display case:

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