One of the most legendary Yakuza of all time is making a comeback soon, Kazuma Kiryu finds himself drawn into a new conflict. The unstoppable Dragon of Dojima returns in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name later this year. If you preorder at Fanatical, you can save 13% off the price and get some great extras by preordering it. Like a Dragon Gaiden regularly costs $50, but Steam keys at Fanatical are down to just $43.49.

Preorder at Fanatical
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name

All preorders of Like a Dragon Gaiden will unlock three characters to use in the game when they’re available, as you’ll be able to step into the ring as Goro Majima, the Mad Dog of Shimano, Taiga Saejima, otherwise known as the Slayer of Eighteen, and Tojo Clan chairman Daigo Dojima.

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