Berserk is one of the greatest manga ever made. Created and produced by legendary manga artist Kentaro Miura–who passed away in 2021–Berserk is a visually stunning tale of swords, sorcery, and defying fate that spans a whopping 42 volumes (during Miura’s run). Conveniently, there are 14 hardcover deluxe editions containing three volumes each–and these deluxe editions also happen to be gorgeous shelf pieces. Over at Amazon, you can save big on all 14 Berserk deluxe editions. Each volume is discounted by roughly $20, dropping the price to only $30, on average. And with the Blu-ray of the 1997 Berserk anime (the best version) releasing next week on March 26, now’s a fantastic time to dive into this epic adventure. Side note: You can also save $30 on the 2016 Berserk anime series, though many fans prefer the 1997 adaptation.

See all Berserk manga deals at Amazon.

Berserk Deluxe Edition Manga Deals at Amazon

Below, you’ll find a list of all 14 Berserk Deluxe edition volumes.

Miura’s final contributions to Berserk were collected in Volume 14, which released last November. In addition to offering the conclusion to Miura’s Berserk arc, this book includes the Berserk Official Guidebook. This informative section will help contextualize your reading experience with important background information and expanded lore.

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