A new handheld gaming system has entered the scene, as the Ayaneo Pocket S has been officially revealed. This Android-based handheld gaming console was developed in partnership with Qualcomm and is based on the Snapdragon G series gaming platform. Pricing, specs, or a release date have not yet been announced for the Pocket S, but Ayaneo mentioned that it aims to launch by the end of the year.
For the design, the company says that the Pocket S introduces a borderless approach to its construction, X86-level heat dissipation capabilities, and a lightweight form factor to create a high-end gaming handheld. The console has all the standard inputs for modern gaming–face buttons, analog sticks, shoulder triggers, and a D-pad–as well as a USB-C charging port and a 3.5mm headset port. Snapdragon’s new gaming chip was unveiled this week, and the company says that this hardware offers better performance over longer gaming sessions.
The Ayaneo Pocket S could be an interesting choice for those who want to take advantage of cloud streaming and Steam Link.