The Indigo Disk, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s second DLC, adds a bunch of new Pokemon, including a few regional variants. One of those is the Galarian Slowpoke, which is only psychic as opposed to their normal version, which is psychic/water. Evolving Galarian Slowpoke requires a special item for both of their evolutions. Here’s where you can catch Galarian Slowpoke and what you need to evolve them.
Where to catch Galarian Slowpoke

Galarian Slowpoke can be found on beaches in a few sections of the Coastal Biome. However, you want to go to the beach in the northern part of the Coastal Biome, near the border to the Polar Biome. The reason for this is that there is an item there that you will need to collect a bunch of, and it only spawns there.
How to evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Slowbro and Slowking

After catching your Galarian Slowpoke, you need to head to the beach, just north of the Coastal Plaza, where the elite four battle takes place. Here, you need to collect 23 Galarica Twigs, which spawn as small sparkles on the beach you can pick up. It seems to only spawn on this beach and it spawns somewhat randomly, although most sparkles here are Galarica Twig. Once you collect 23 twigs, head to the Coastal Plaza.