Meta has slashed the prices for two of its VR headsets. As of today, you can find the Meta Quest 2 (256GB) available for just $430, down from $500, and the Meta Quest Pro for $1,000, down from $1,500. The standard 128GB model of the Quest 2, meanwhile, will remain $400.

The price cuts come not long after price hikes on the Meta Quest 2 went into effect last summer. At that time, Meta raised the price of both models of the Quest 2 by $100, so the price drop brings the 256GB model pretty close to the price it was before the increase. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here’s where you can buy the Quest 2 and Quest Pro at their new prices.

The Meta Quest 2 continues to offer the best combination of performance and price, even with the recent release of the PSVR 2. Considering that the PSVR 2 requires a PS5 (and is wired), the Meta Quest 2 is the way to go for VR newcomers. Meanwhile, the Meta Quest Pro, while expensive, is less than the price of the PS5 and PSVR 2 combined.

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