Starfield is already a huge game, but it can be made ever so slightly bigger with the game’s preorder and Premium Edition bonuses. If you bought a version of the game that grants you these additions, that’s cool, but it may not be obvious where you find those things. In this guide, we’ll show you how to claim your bonus skins, including the Old Mars, Deep Mining, and Constellation skin packs.

Where to find Starfield preorder and Premium Edition items

The full list of Starfield preorder and Premium Edition bonuses includes stuff like future DLC, a digital soundtrack, and more, but that stuff is more easily understood. What might trip you up is locating the bonus in-game skins you’ve been granted. For those, here’s what you need to do:

  • Play through the campaign until you get to a location called The Lodge.
  • When you’re able to, head into the basement (down the hall to the right of the front door of The Lodge).
  • In the basement’s first room, you’ll find a number of workbenches for crafting various objects.
  • You’re looking for weapon and spacesuit skins, so you’ll find your bonus items available as options for particular items when using the weapon and spacesuit workbenches.
The Premium Edition's Constellation spacesuit skin swaps white for silver and adds more red.
The Premium Edition’s Constellation spacesuit skin swaps white for silver and adds more red.

In the weapon workbench, you’ll have an Old Mars skin for your laser cutter mining tool. Meanwhile, you’ll find the Deep Mining skin set for your starter boost pack and helmet. You may soon move away from this spacesuit–there are dozens in the game, each with their own features–but you can find better versions of the mining spacesuit later, too, if you wish to keep using this cosmetic skin.

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