The graphic novel adaptation of Stephen King’s beloved The Dark Tower series is being rereleased as three massive hardcover omnibus collections over the coming weeks. Though The Dark Tower graphic novel adaptation remains incomplete, it’s still an excellent way to experience part of Stephen King’s celebrated dark sci-fi/fantasy universe, and you can read all of the comics thanks to these new hardcover omnibus collections. Even better, preorders for each volume are discounted at Amazon. And if you want to experience the whole saga, you can save 50% on the original eight-novel box set at Amazon.
The first omnibus includes all issues from Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: Beginnings, a prologue based on flashback sequences in the original novels that detail protagonist Roland Deschain’s early life leading up to the events of the original Dark Tower novels. The 800-page hardcover tome releases on October 10 for $100, but you can preorder it for just $90 at Amazon.
A few weeks later, Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger hardcover omnibus launches on October 24. This 736-page collection includes every issue of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger series, which adapted King’s original The Gunslinger novel plus several shorter Dark Tower stories into comic book form. You can preorder Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger hardcover omnibus at Amazon for $90 (normally $100).