The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is filled with different puzzles to discover and solve. One of those puzzles can be found in the Gemimik Shrine, with the puzzle titled “Turbine Power,” found in the Rist Peninsula in the eastern part of Hyrule, in the middle of a swirling set of land. Here’s how to solve this puzzle.

How to solve the Gemimik Shrine Puzzle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The entire Gemimik Shrine takes place in this single room.
The entire Gemimik Shrine takes place in this single room.

The Gemimik Shrine puzzle features a single room, with a number of unlit braziers in a circle in the middle of the room, with water systems hanging above them. There is a fan on the floor to the right, with a battery located on the left, near some metal platforms. In the upper parts of the room, there is a flame emitter in the top left corner and the optional chest in the top right corner. First attach the fan to the platform in the center of the circle and use the metal platforms to connect the power lines to the battery.

Use the fan to reach the top parts of the room, including the area where the optional chest is.
Use the fan to reach the top parts of the room, including the area where the optional chest is.

Once the fan is powered, jump onto it and pull out your glider to reach the upper parts of the room. First head to the top right corner to grab the optional chest. Jump back down, and use the fan to head over to the flame emitter in the top left corner. There are three total flame emitters up here, go ahead and throw all three down to the bottom level.

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