The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom features a Hyrule filled with puzzles and a Link strapped with tons of psychics-based powers. The Sikukuu Shrine, with the puzzle titled “Spinning Gears,” located in the northern part of the map, on the northern ridge of the Great Hyrule Forest, requires mastery of the Recall ability to complete it.

How to solve the Sikukuu Shrine Puzzle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You need to use Recall at the perfect time to get the ball to drop on the right side.
You need to use Recall at the perfect time to get the ball to drop on the right side.

When you enter the Sikukuu Shrine, there is a massive cog spinning counter-clockwise, with a small ball dropping onto the right side of it. The ball will unlock the first door, so you need to use the Recall ability on the cog, just when the ball drops onto the cog.

You need to turn the crank in the opposite direction you want the cog to go, so you can use Recall afterwards.
You need to turn the crank in the opposite direction you want the cog to go, so you can use Recall afterwards.

In the next area there is another massive cog that isn’t moving and a crank to the right of it. The crank moves the massive cog. The massive cog moves in the same direction of the crank, so turning the crank clockwise causes the massive cog to go clockwise. The exit for the shrine is on the next ledge up, but first you will want to crank the wheel counter-clockwise for a few spins. After that, use Recall and hop onto the big cog, which will take you down, underneath the ground, where the optional chest is located.

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